How to Store and Preserve Cannabis Seeds
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How to Store and Preserve Cannabis Seeds

So you've returned from an Amsterdam seed bank with a pocket full of seeds, or maybe you got carried away when ordering cannabis seeds online, and you have more than you can grow. What you need is to know how to store and preserve cannabis seeds. And we at the Amsterdam Seed Center know a thing or two about it. As you know, we stock the best part of 2000 varieties at any one time, and they don't sell all at once. So we need somewhere to store them to maintain their viability. As a professional seed bank, we have a row of fridges to keep our stock fresh, but what happens if you are a keen collector and can't access half a dozen fridges? What do you do then? Fear not. Steady that shaking hand, we have all the answers you need in the form of this handy list.

Strap on! Strap up! Get ready to learn how to store and preserve cannabis seeds. It's a wild ride!

Airtight Containers: 

One of the best ways to store and preserve cannabis seeds without a fridge is to use airtight containers and keep those in a dark and relaxed environment.

Dark and Cool Environment: 

Store your seeds in a cool, dark place. Light and heat can degrade the quality of the seeds. The temperature also needs to be stable. If it gets too cold, your seeds could deteriorate.

Avoid Humidity: 

Humidity is a killer for cannabis seeds. If they get moist enough, they could germinate before you're ready to use them. If dampness prevails in your storage area, you could find mould has destroyed your collection.


It would help to rotate your stock like a food shop does to bring short dates forward. Use the ones you've had the longest. Cannabis seeds can last for years if correctly stored, but keeping the stock fresh is better.

Testing 1,2,3: 

Following rotation, test germinating cannabis seeds is ideal to know if you're doing a good job storing seeds. If you're keeping a big stock, germinate a few every other month or so. 


You need to know what you're storing to see what you're growing. Label your seeds. If they come from a seed bank, they will have packing, but if not, seed tubes or tubs with little stickers can make your life easier when storing and preserving cannabis seeds. 

There you have it, and you can have it there. That's how you store and preserve cannabis seeds without a fridge. These wonders of nature can last for a long time if they are correctly stored. Suppose you know how to do it. The time to grow doesn't have to be now; you can shop anyway and keep them for the future. Check out our Seedfinder and find the perfect cannabis strain to preserve.

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