Indica vs Sativa: What are the differences?
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Indica vs Sativa: What are the differences?
When it comes to buying cannabis seeds online, there are plenty of options from which to choose. Before you start dreaming about tasty flavours, you might need to know a few basic things about the different types of cannabis. Amsterdam Seed Center has hundreds of Indica and Sativa strains to choose from, but you need to know the difference between them.

What's the main difference between growing Indica Vs Sativa?

The first noticeable difference to the grower will be the size and shape of the leaves on the plant. Indica leaves tend to be compact but wide and short, compared to the long narrow leaves of a Sativa plant.

Growing Sativa vs Indica: what’s the best environment?

The two types of cannabis plant will grow or vegetate differently.

Sativa cannabis plants lightly coloured and will grow tall and loose branches, producing fluffy flowers and delicate leaves. Due to the potential height they can reach, Sativa is a more suitable plant to grow outdoors. In the optimal climate, a Sativa plant can reach up to 20 feet tall. They are commonly grown in Latin American countries and southern European countries such as Spain.

Indica cannabis plants grow short in stature and develop a bushy growth pattern that produces thick dark leather-like leaves and dark, dense buds. These qualities make Indica more suitable for indoor growing. Indica's can be grown outdoors, reaching anywhere between 3 and 6 feet tall. The hardy nature of the Indica plant makes it suitable to grow in colder northern climates such as the UK and Denmark.

Smell and taste: are Sativa and Indica really different?

The two types of cannabis differ quite a lot in smell. Indica plants carry musky incense like aroma and have an earthy flavour to them. Sativa plants tend to smell sweet and tropical and have a tangy taste.

What are the effects of Indica and Sativa?

Personal experiences can differ, but the effects of Indica vs Sativa are quite different.
Indicas are known to be a relaxing calming effect, suited for night use and a series of medical applications. Including Glaucoma, chronic pain, Chron’s disease, sleep disorders and anxiety. Indicas have a reputation for relieving stress and stimulating the users' appetite.

Due to the cerebral nature of Sativa and the uplifting and energetic highs associated with it, Sativas are suited for daytime use. Sativas are often associated with being 'trippy' or 'hallucinogenic' and are associated with alertness. Sativa can also alleviate the symptoms of ADHD, ADD and other mood disorders. However, there are reports that Sativa can exacerbate conditions like anxiety.

Famous Indica Plants

  1. Sensi Star
    Sensi Star

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  1. Close up shot of a Hindu Kush pure indica flower by Sensi Seeds. Order online at Amsterdam Seed Center.
    Hindu Kush

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  1. Ayahuasca Purple - 5-pack
    Ayahuasca Purple - 5-pack

Famous Sativa Plants

  1. Amnesia

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  1. Malawi - 5-pack
    Malawi - 5-pack
  1. G13 Haze
    G13 Haze

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