Some Sweet - 5PACK - Féminisée - MedicalSeeds

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With this crossing we were looking for a plant easy to grow, short flowering and very sweet taste. 

Both indoors and outdoors Some Sweet does not usually give many problems, which makes it a good candidate for novice growers.

Indoor likes all farming systems. It is recommended tutorarla, because sometimes the buds weigh more than enduring the branches.

I enjoy watching most outdoor hot dry climates that is where usually shows peak performance.

Structurally Some Sweet is a stabilized plant, but its color may range between phenotypes from dark green to purple / purple.

Aromas and flavors will be a delight for the most discerning palate it has fruity notes of grapefruit, berries and papaya. Its effect is rather narcotic-relaxant, quite durable and not very cerebral.

Another very good feature for nighttime use is that it has no effect "hangover" or "heaviness" the next morning, so it is a good choice for insomnia or the like.

In summary Some Sweet is highly recommended for those looking for a very distinctive flavor, a relaxing effect lasting plant. It is very suitable for growers of all levels strain. Limited edition.


Plus d’information
Seedbank MedicalSeeds
Sexe Féminisée
Type La plupart Indica
Type de floraison Photopériode
Temps de floraison (intérieur) 7-8 semaines
Contenu THC Haute (15-20%)
Contenu du CBD Bas
Rendement Grand
Taille de la plante Bas
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