LA Affie - 6-pack - Féminisée - Cali Connection

The LA Affie is the famed LA Affie clone. Yield is not very large to do it’s Indica nature, flower time is fast, 100% Indica, 55-60 days max.

The LA Affie is the famed LA Affie clone. The clone was taken and reversed to itself to make an S1 in feminized only. She is a larger yielding afghani with a very beautiful structure and look. She turns purple, great color smell and flavor are more of a true afghani, hashy with a hint of fruit, more of a currant. Yield is not very large to do it’s Indica nature, flower time is fast, 100% Indica, 55-60 days max.

Plus d’information
Seedbank Cali Connection
Sexe Féminisée
Type Indica pur
Type de floraison Photopériode
Temps de floraison (intérieur) 7-8 semaines
Contenu THC Très haute (20% +)
Contenu du CBD Bas
Rendement Moyenne
Taille de la plante Moyenne
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