Pros and Cons of Growing Cannabis in Soil
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Pros and Cons of Growing Cannabis in Soil

Asking whether the soil is the best medium for growing cannabis may seem like a strange question to those of you who spend most of your time wrist-deep in all sorts of soil. However, using soil is not the only option. Many growers cultivate using a hydroponic system - you can read the pros and cons here - which does not require soil. But is soil the best? Is it a case of it ain't broken, so don't splash out on a ton of new hydro equipment? 

We are not hatin' on hydro; it is a great way to grow if you have the money and expertise to get the most from it. And maybe you're thinking about switching from soil to hydro. But before you go any further, let's look at the pros and cons of growing cannabis in soil.

Pros of Growing Cannabis in Soil

It's all-natural, baby: 

Soil is naturally full of good stuff like nutrients and microorganisms that help plants grow and keep them healthy. 

Cheaper to get going: 

There's always a cost involved when growing cannabis. However, compared to hydro, soil is cheaper. Your set-up will need less equipment and the gear you do need. It is much more affordable and accessible.

You don't need to be an expert: 

A little bit of knowledge can go a long way when growing cannabis in soil. Compared to hydro, growing in soil requires less expert knowledge. Soil is the more forgiving medium and requires less maintenance. 


For the purists, this is the biggest pro of growing in soil. It's the method that people have been using for millennia, and we've got this far by growing cannabis in soil. It can't be bad at all. Sometimes, the old ways are the best!


Growing in soil is less complicated. For instance, hydro systems have more equipment for cultivation. Thus, more can go wrong. Sure, using soil can go south, but your plants don't get fed if something goes down with hydro. The only time that happens with soil is if you get too stoned and forget to feed them. 


Cons of Growing Cannabis in Soil

It can't all be glory to the earth. We must provide balance and in the interest of fairness. Here are the cons of growing cannabis in soil. 

Slower to harvest: 

Good things come to those who wait, no? If you're in a rush and have the know-how, you will see the extra time it takes to harvest when using soil as a disadvantage. This is because using soil instead of hydro takes longer for the nutrients to reach the plants.

Less control: 

Growing cannabis in soil gives the grower less control over nutrient levels, and this can lead to nutrient deficiencies

Water Waste: 

When using soil, it is much harder to manage water. With experience, you learn tips and tricks for watering your plants, but it is easy enough to overwater them and cause things like root rot. 

Pests and Diseases: 

Yes, the soil is fertile for pests and diseases, and you must be proactive to prevent them. However, the problem of pests and diseases is as old as time, and we've figured out a way or two to defend against them. 

It's all in your hands

There you go. The pros and cons of growing cannabis in soil. Do you stick to what you know and keep it simple? Why not use our seed finder to mix it up on the cannabis seed front? ASC has over 1500 cannabis strains from which to choose. 

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