Growing Green Gold: 3 Ways to Boost Your Cannabis Plant Yield
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Growing Green Gold: 3 Ways to Boost Your Cannabis Plant Yield
Whether you're a seasoned grower or just getting your hands green, the pursuit of a bountiful cannabis harvest is always an exciting journey. In this blog, we'll explore three key strategies to enhance the yield of your cannabis plants. Get ready to flourish! 

1. Lighting Magic: Let the Sunshine In!

To maximize your plant's yield, ensuring they receive the right amount and quality of light is crucial. The most commonly used lights are HPS and LED. The lighting determines the entire growth process, so invest in a good grow light! 

The correct colour temperature for plants in the growth phase is around 6500 Kelvin. It is approximately 2700 Kelvin for plants in the flowering phase. The best way to calculate the distance between your light and the top of the plant is to work out 10% of the lamp's wattage. If your lamp is 400W, it should be 40 cm away from the top of your plant. However, if you're using LEDs, the height you keep your lights can vary.

Ask the manufacturer of LED lights for the perfect distance, as LED lights vary greatly in light intensity. Too high, and plants will stretch excessively; too low, and it can cause plant burning.

If you're an outdoor grower, use the sun's power. Position your plants to receive ample sunlight throughout the day, ensuring they get at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight. Remember, a sun-soaked plant is a happy plant. 



2. Nutrient Know-How: Feed Your Plants What They Need

Just like humans, your cannabis plants crave a balanced diet. For cannabis plants, that includes a variety of nutrients. And you get what you pay for when it comes to nutrients. First, decide what you want. Do you use fertilizer or go organic? Either way, use a plant feed that is well-balanced and of high quality. For instance, nitrogen-rich fertilizers are excellent during the vegetative phase. At the same time, those with higher phosphorus and potassium levels are ideal for flowering.


3. Pruning Prowess: Triumpant Trimming

Do you want to see every branch and leaf of your cannabis plants get maximum light exposure and airflow? Then, be sure to trim your plants. But it might be trickier than it looks; pruning is an art. Get it right, and you'll increase your yield. Get it wrong, and you could hack away at your premature harvest. Removing unnecessary foliage redirects the plant's energy to where it matters most – the colas. 

You will need to trim different bits at different times. During the vegetative stage, focus on topping and training your plants to encourage lateral growth. As you transition to the flowering stage, prune away excess leaves that may obstruct light penetration to lower bud sites. Proper pruning increases yield and reduces the risk of mould and mildew, creating a healthier growing environment.



There you have it, aspiring horticulturists – three tried-and-true methods to advance your growing skills. Remember, the journey to a maximum yield is as much about understanding your plants as it is about experimenting and having fun. The more you grow, the more you know. So, go ahead, try these tips and watch your cannabis garden transform into a thrive. Happy growing!

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