Amsterdam Seed Center: A Year in Cannabis 2023
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Amsterdam Seed Center: A Year in Cannabis 2023

Amsterdam Seed Center: A Year in Cannabis 2023

How has your cannabis year been? Any news for the world of cannabis? Because the world of cannabis has got news for you. 2023 has been another crazy year on this football we call Earth. The world is going mad; peace and justice are in short supply, but the cannabis world keeps turning, and we have plenty of news to talk about. 

Reach for your reading glasses and settle in for your jet-stop tour of the world's cannabis news in 2023. We are bringing news from all over. From Africa and America to Europe and that somewhat confused wet and windy set of Islands called Britain. It's been a busy year in cannabis, and it shows no sign of slowing. So, before we look to 2024, let's take a few minutes to appreciate 2023. It's been a hell of a year!


The UK

You've got to love the Brits! They are a confused bunch when it comes to most things, specifically cannabis laws. A juicy set of data released in 2023 shows the police in England and Wales made 131,688 seizures of cannabis in a single year. Without getting into details, some of these seizures are probably linked to severe and sometimes heinous crimes, but not all of them. Some are just people growing plants—no more, no less. The joy doesn't end there. Despite the UK's health service being able to prescribe cannabis, less than a dozen patients have received it since the five years it has been legal.

Further to that, no clinical trials involving cannabis have been held. Please boo at your screen for however long you think is appropriate. It's not all doom and gloom. Northern Ireland has its first legal vape club for medical users. On the Isle of Man (A British Crown dependency), they are set to continue a trial of a medicinal cannabis dispensation service.

So, it's not all bad in the UK, just mostly. 


The Netherlands

The Netherlands was once the centre of the cannabis universe. If you wanted to learn about cannabis, The Netherlands was the place to be and could be once again. Say hello to The Medical Cannabis Platform for Innovation and Research. The aim of the MCPIR is to, after five years, have a blueprint for growing cannabis, which will continuously produce the same uniform end product. Oh, and Amsterdam is probably still the best place in the world to get high!



Big up the science nerds in Brazil. When studying a shrub common throughout Brazil, they realised it produced our old friend, Cannabidiol (CBD). Mind blown, right? It makes you think about the potential loss due to the destruction of the rainforest. But don't think too hard or for too long; it will make you sad. The discovery of CBD in a non-cannabis plant opens up a world of opportunity. If you listen carefully, you can hear botanist scratching their heads. 

We are sticking with the birthplace of some of the greatest footballers and cannabis strains ever. The Brazilian Supreme Court blocked a trial proposed by the House-Senate to decriminalise drugs for personal use. Don't worry too much, though; the Brazilians have since had a change in government, and the cannabis situation is likely to change. 



Hooray for the Japanese. So far, they have advanced in technology matters, but they have been out of step with drug laws. But the times there are a changing. For the first time, it will be legal to sell legal cannabis-based medicines in Japan. The move means people in the country will be able to access CBD products for the first time legally. 



What does the cannabis scene in Canada look like after five years? It seems like a struggle. Five years on, the market is saturated by over-production and stringent regulation. And to top it off, the illicit drug trade still controls 33% market share. 



The Swiss want to find out what happens when you legalise cannabis. Not content with asking how it's going in Canada, the Health Authority in Switzerland has been approved to establish the first legal adult-use cannabis dispensaries in Europe. It's just a trail for now, but the Swiss will hopefully learn from the Canadiens' mistakes regarding regulation. Check out more about the Swiss project here



Speaking of trials, Australia is usually more famous for the bush tucker variety as opposed to cannabis trials, but you never know these days. The state of Victoria will begin preparations to asses how medical cannabis impacts driving. Don't worry if you're one of those users who can't operate a tin opener while high, let alone a car. These tests will take place on closed roads. See how the debate about driving on cannabis is raging here


Elsewhere in the World

It looks likely that 2024 will be the year that Germany finally unveils plans to legalise cannabis. In the Ukraine, cannabis is in focus as a treatment to help soldiers with PTSD. In South Africa, payment is allowing cannabis cultivation for industrial and medical purposes. Last but not least, six US Governors are urging Joe Biden to reschedule cannabis at a federal level by the end of this year. Fingers crossed. 


2024 at the Amsterdam Seed Center 

This year promises to be another exciting year for cannabis, and we will be back with the ups and downs throughout. Stay safe and happy growing. 

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