Short History of Soma Seeds
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Short History of Soma Seeds

A Short History of Soma Seeds

Few cannabis seed breeders are shrouded in mysticism and intrigue more than Soma Sacred Seeds. For those of us who didn't know, Soma Sacred Seeds are a medical cannabis company based in Amsterdam. You might think Soma Seeds are one of the original seed banks and are as old as Sensi Seeds or Greenhouse. In fact, as a company, Soma Seeds is just two decades old and gained international fame by winning the 1999 High Times Cup, later founding Soma's Sacred Seeds in 2002. 

The company founder, Soma, has dedicated his entire life to what he considers a sacred plant - the cannabis plant - and has amassed an impressive library of medical cannabis seeds. 

About Soma 

Some cannabis seed breeders were born in countries that were open-minded enough to tolerate cannabis cultivation. Some, like the legendary Soma, had to travel far from their homeland to make growing a reality. 

For the last three decades, Soma has lived in Amsterdam, but his relationship with cannabis started long before in New York City when, at age 18, Soma was working as a mail clerk at IBM. Suited and booted in his finest 3-piece suit, Soma made his way by the East River to enjoy one of the three joints his colleague had sold him. By his admission, it was love at first smoke, and he fell instantly in love with cannabis. 

In 1971 Soma moved to Southern Vermont and opened a vegetarian restaurant and bakery. It was then that Soma began to learn more about diet and the ecosystem that sustains us. It was also around that time that Soma started cultivating cannabis. Albeit accidentally. 


Guerilla Growing (Sort of) 

Was Soma one of the first Guerilla growers? Maybe, but if he was, it wasn't intentional. Soma would disregard the seeds he picked from his cannabis and throw them out of his window. The following Spring, Soma noticed that seedlings had sprouted below his window. Knowing that the plants would not survive in the Southern Vermont climate, he transplanted them to somewhere they would thrive. 

The 1970s to 1990s 

Over the following two decades, Soma moved to Florida and Oregon before finding his spiritual home in Amsterdam. During that time, he ran a hemp supply store and continued to dedicate his life to cannabis and increased his knowledge for the greater good of the communities he embedded.

Soma's reputation grew further when he became known as one of the first cannabis breeders to mix different genetics indoors. By the early 90s, his reputation was so that he started writing for High Time and became established as Amos Washington. At one time, Soma was writing for 9 different cannabis publications and was active on the early online forum scene of the early 2000's.

High Times Cup 1994

Soma's writing for High Times made waves across the ocean in Europe, and Soma accepted the invitation to be the celebrity judge at the 1994 High Times Cup in Amsterdam. Soma was blown away by the open-mindedness and relative freedoms in Amsterdam. It was then that his long-time love affair with Amsterdam would begin.

The birth of Soma's Sacred Seeds 

Despite amassing decades of knowledge and expertise in cannabis and moving to the Netherland in the 90s, Soma Sacred Seeds as a company didn't exist until 2002. Since, it has become one of the most trusted sources for medical grade cannabis genetics, has won multiple awards and has done more than most to dispel negative 'stoner' stereotypes.  



Named in homage, or you could say fromage, to the most famous cheese in The Netherlands, SoGouda is a careful blend of Blueberry x Cheese x G13 Haze. The Blueberry/Cheese elements of SoGouda make it more of an Indica Hybrid, but it will still display some Sativa traits. Other notable things about this cannabis hybrid are that it has a very high THC content of>20%, it's good when producing hash, and it's tasty when infused with food and cooking oils. 

NYC Diesel

Fewer strains are more famous than NYC Diesel. It has graced most coffeeshop menus in Amsterdam. As a result of breeding a Mexican Sativa with Afghani genetics, NYC Diesel has been a regular winner of prizes in the best Sativa categories at Cannabis Cups. It has an exotic taste and smells like a ripe red grapefruit with a gassy aftertaste for which NYC has become known. 

Amnesia Haze

You might think that if you've had one Amnesia, you've had them all, but Amnesia Haze is a complicated genetic, which is part of why there are so many variations. The variations of Amnesia Haze may not differ much, but they will all carry different traits. Soma's interpretation of Amnesia Haze is probably one of the finest cannabis strains in the Soma Seeds catalogue. It is well worth considering if you're looking at Amnesia Haze for future cultivation.

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Amsterdam Seed Center

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