How to Water Cannabis Plants
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How to Water Cannabis Plants
We're taking things back to basics for this one, with how to water cannabis plants. It sounds simple enough, but get this vital part of growing cannabis wrong, and you're in for a world of cannabis plant pain. So, grab something that will hold water. A watering can, a hose pipe connected to a tap, a bucket, or whatever you can find. Make sure it's clean, whatever it is. Let's get our grow on and find out how to water cannabis plants effectively. 

How to Water Cannabis Plants 

Take your time: 

Like with most things, there's a knack for watering cannabis plants, and it doesn't involve rushing. You can't go splashing water everywhere, hoping your plants will suck up the moisture in the air. Pour water slowly and evenly around the plant's base to ensure the roots get enough water. Don't pour the water too quickly, which can cause runoff and uneven watering. Take your time to allow the soil to absorb the water gradually.

Give plenty, but drain well: 

Give your plants plenty of water, but ensure you have a sound draining system. All the roots need water, but too much and your plants will get waterlogged, leading to root rot. This is easily preventable with big enough drainage holes in your pots. Or by using grow bags that naturally expend the excess water. 


Get the timing right to water your plants. Water your cannabis plants when the top inch or so of the soil feels dry. Stick your finger into the soil to gauge moisture levels. Avoid watering on a strict schedule, and let the soil and plants tell you when they need water. 


Use room-temperature water, Like Goldie Locks when she rifled through the bear family's porridge. Cannabis plants like the temperature of water to be just right. And just right for cannabis plants is water at room temperature. If it is too cold, the plants will go into shock, and if it is too hot, like an English man on a beach, they will get stressed by the heat. Room-temperature water is ideal for keeping your plants happy. 



Water the soil, not the plant: 

As tempting as it may be to spray cannabis leaves to freshen them up or cool them down. It should be avoided. Wet foliage fosters an environment that encourages fungal diseases like powdery mildew. Water the plants' base near the soil surface to ensure it reaches the root zone efficiently.


A cannabis plant's needs will change throughout its cycle, and you should adapt accordingly. During the vegetative stage, they generally need more water. However, as plants flower, they need slightly less. Some growers find it easier to use a water schedule from the outset. 

Monitor pH: 

If you're feeding your cannabis plants with nutrient solutions, ensure your water's pH and nutrient levels are within the appropriate range for cannabis, typically between 5.5 and 6.5. pH testers are handy bits of kit you can easily pick up online and help you get the most from growing cannabis. 


So it's not the hardest thing to get right, but get it wrong, and you will know about it. Prepare and take your time. Form good habits and invest in one of two things that will help make it easier to water cannabis plants. 

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