How to grow Cannabis in the winter!
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How to grow Cannabis in the winter!

If you have ever wondered if you can grow cannabis in winter, the answer is yes, though you'll have to put in more effort than usual. The easiest way to grow cannabis in winter is to grow it indoors. However, if you live somewhere with a mild winter and a warm spring, you can grow winter cannabis outdoors. Yes, really!

If you time it right as a grower, you can get an early and a late harvest by growing cannabis in winter. You might think it's the dead of winter and impossible to grow outside this time of the year, but your favourite seed bank is here to help you discover how to grow cannabis in winter with these top tips.

Discover how to grow cannabis in winter: top tips

Make the right choice: cannabis genetics.

You must pick suitable genetics if you want to grow outdoors in winter. Most cannabis varieties like warm climates and long sunny days, so there is no point in choosing an exotic cannabis strain if you live somewhere where the days are short and the nights are long. 

Unless you're growing indoors, auto flowers are your only chance of a cannabis harvest in winter. Because of the ruderalis gene, autos are hardier than photoperiods. They flower naturally and start vegging 2 - 3 weeks after germination, which prevents the plants from re vegetating when the days get longer.  

However, don't be fooled into thinking you can pop a few auto-flower seeds and leave them outside. There is more to it than that. 


Start your cannabis growing indoors.

We know these tips are for growing outdoors in winter, but starting indoors is not a cop-out; it gives your seedlings the best start. Your autos should germinate in a warm and humid environment before growing 3 or 4 nodes and sturdy stems before being placed outdoors. Seedlings are fragile and have a better chance of thriving if the first few weeks are indoors. 

Gradually transition from in to out.

You might consider moving your young seedlings outdoors in stages, bringing them back in when the weather gets harsh or the temperature drops. If this is something you anticipate, use smaller pots so they can be easily managed and moved; and be wary of inconsistent temperatures that can cause your plant stress or shock. Signs of shock can include stressed roots, and harsh weather can stress, displayed by the discolouring and curling of leaves. 


Generate enough warmth and regulate temperatures.

There is nothing you can do about the temperature and humidity outdoors, but you can try and maintain a soil temperature of at least 16 degrees. If it drops lower, the roots will suffer, but you can use heat mats and insulate the outside of your pots to help keep a consistent temperature. 

Protect your cannabis plant from the weather.

The two weather conditions that threaten a successful winter harvest are rain and frost. Rain causes mold and mildew and invites pests, and frost or ice will kill off even the most healthy plant. 

So, if you want to grow cannabis in winter, you will need a way of protecting your cannabis plant from the elements. Even if you live somewhere with mild winters, you're still likely to deal with rain and other bad weather from time to time. 

The best way to protect your cannabis plant from the weather is to construct a greenhouse or a cover. Not everyone will be able to use a greenhouse, and they will have to make do with moving plants indoors when the weather gets too wet or too cold. If you can't protect your plant from the elements, you can forget about growing cannabis outdoors in winter. 


Choose the best feed for your plant. 

You've probably got a set routine when feeding cannabis plants. You know what you want to use, when, and how much of it to use. Your knowledge of feeding doesn't go out the window in the winter, but you might want to consider specific changes to get the most from your winter harvest. During winter, your plant's intake of nutrients will speed up, so little adjustments to the amount of feed might go a long way.

Be realistic about your cannabis harvest. 

Don't be like some people who use dating apps, be realistic about your chances. There is no point in dreaming of ten out of ten flowers and stunning blossoms if you're growing outside in winter. Growing cannabis in winter is a bit like dating. If you lower your expectations, you will have a better time. 

You won't get what you might get from harvest at other times of the year, no tight nuggets or juicy buds, but if you follow these tips and get a bit of luck, you will get a cannabis harvest in winter. 

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