Purple Lobster - 5-pack - Femminizzati - Anesia Seeds


Purple Lobster cannabis seeds from Anesia Seeds. Born from the stellar fusion of Blue Lobster and Planet Red, these feminized seeds promise an adventure filled with relaxation and excitement.

Plant Appearance:

Behold the captivating sight of Purple Lobster's lush greenery, adorned with hints of purple and fiery orange pistils. Its structure is robust yet elegant, with leaves that fan out like a cosmic canopy, promising a bountiful harvest of galactic proportions.

The Taste & Smell:

Savor the delectable flavors of Purple Lobster, where blueberry sweetness dances with candy notes and hints of fruity goodness. Its aroma is a tantalizing blend of blueberry bliss and fruity freshness, beckoning you into a sensory paradise.


Experience the out-of-this-world effects of Purple Lobster, boasting a THC content of up to 34%. Each hit delivers a wave of relaxation and euphoria, leaving you giggly and uplifted, ready to explore the cosmos of your imagination.

Growing Characteristics/Yield:

Prepare for an epic harvest when you grow Purple Lobster cannabis seeds, yielding up to 650g/m² indoors and an astonishing 900 – 1200g per plant outdoors. With a rapid flowering time of 9 – 10 weeks and a height ranging from 100-140 cm indoors to 180-240 cm outdoors, this versatile strain flourishes in diverse environments, promising a bounty of cosmic delights.

Maggiori Informazioni
Seedbank Anesia Seeds
Sesso Femminizzati
Varietà Ibrido (40/60 - 60/40)
Tipo di fioritura Fotoperiodo
Tempo di fioritura (indoors) 9-10 settimane
Contenuto di THC Assurda (+28%)
Contenuto del CBD Basso
Cedere Ultra
Altezza della pianta Alto
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